Thursday 17 March 2016

Day 2 - The First Eating Day

Last night after eating the "snack" that I should not have eaten I felt way too full. It felt like I ate an entire Christmas Dinner all to myself. Not just my portion but an entire turkey with all of the trimmings and the dessert. Definitely, really uncomfortably full.

This morning I woke up feeling light and refreshed. I never wake up feeling refreshed. It was great. Then I was thirsty, so very thirsty. I downed 500 mL of water in no time fast. I also didn't feel hunger. I ate breakfast but I didn't really want it. I made gluten-free applesauce pancakes. I ate 2 of them and them with some strawberries and I was way over full. Maybe I have been just eating too much food all this time and didn't realize it.

I am not logging calories throughout the day. This part of the feed day is the most liberating. Having to constantly log and keep track is the worst part of doing a traditional calorie restrictive diet. Even having to journal what I eat is terrible. I can't stand the guilt I feel if I have some little thing - like a square of chocolate. How may times have I started with the best intentions, made it a week and said screw this? More times than I can count.  How many times have I eaten one bad thing and then said screw this and ate terrible for the rest of the day? Many.

I ate what I wanted till I was full and then stopped. I didn't gorge or go nuts. I ate a small bit of chocolate and had pizza for dinner. I didn't over analyze it. I ate vegetables and fruit, I could have eaten more vegetables and fruit but I didn't feel like it. I didn't think I ate too much at dinner but my that ate the whole turkey feeling is back again is evening.  I checked my calories just to make sure I didn't go nuts and sure enough Dr. Varday was right - I did not double up on food. I only ate what I would normally eat maybe slightly more. My average caloric intake for the two days 1350 calories. This means I am probably cutting somewhere about 750 and 1000 calories a day or close to 40%.

8:00 am
Wake Up
9:00 am
500 mL Water
10:00 am
Breakfast - 3X3 inch Apple Sauce Pancakes with 1 tbsp Syrup and Strawberries
11:00 am
500 mL Black Tea
12:00 pm
250 mL Water
1:00 pm
Snack - Cheese slice and 250 mL Unsweetened Almond Milk with Espresso
2:00 pm

3:00 pm
Lunch - Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup (GF)
4:00 pm
Snack - 25 g Chocolate Callets
5:00 pm
250 mL Unsweetened Almond Milk with Espresso
6:00 pm

7:00 pm
Dinner - 2 Slices of Pizza (GF) Salad
8:00 pm
Back to Fasting

I also found a blog by a lady named Julie who did the alternate day fasting for a year. She lost a total of 63 lbs in a year and has managed to keep it off for two years. AMAZING!

Check out her journey here It comes with before and after photos. She's a spitfire - Love it!

Will this crazy lifestyle of eating every other day work? Who knows. Let's just make it to day 7 by taking one day at a time.

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